可提供前后各2D或特殊要求长度的测量管段,(D为管道内径) We can provide 2D measurement pipe sections or those of lengths of special requirements for the front and back respectively (D refers to the pipe inside diameter).
用途:适用于前后直管段长度不能满足单孔孔板标准要求的高温或高压下液体、蒸汽和热网管道的流量测量、控制和调节。 Use: It is fit for the measurement,control and adjustment of the flow of liquid ,steam and heat network piping under a high temperature or pressure which the lengths of the front and back pipe can not meet the requirments of single hole orifice .
特点:它具有前后直管段长度要求低、测量精度高、耐冲击、使用寿命长的特点。 Features:a low requirement of lengths for the front and back pipe, a hign measurement precision, impact resistance, a long service life etc.